Arrays in JavaScript

What is an Array?

Array is a data structure that is used to store a collection of multiple items in a single variable. The collection can have any type of data such as string, number, boolean, etc.


const array1 = ["Hello", 10, 20, "World", true]; 
// this is how an array is initialized

How to access elements of an array?

Elements in the array have a fixed index according to their positions in the array. The initial index starts from 0 i.e., the index of the first element is 0, the index of the second element is 1, and so on.

const arr = ["Hello", "World"];
console.log(arr[0]); // will print Hello
console.log(arr[1]); // will print World
// this is how we can access the elements in an array

Different Array Methods in JavaScript

1. length

It gives us the total number of elements present inside the array i.e., the length of an array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(names.length); // will print 4

2. at

It returns the element at the specified index. We can also specify negative values, in such case it will count from back of the array and return the element.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(; // will print Emily
console.log(; // will print Monica

3. concat

It is used to merge two or more arrays. It will not change the original array, instead it will return a new array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
const names2 = ["Ron", "Harry", "Hagrid"];
// will print [ 'Joe', 'John', 'Emily', 'Monica', 'Ron', 'Harry', 'Hagrid' ]

4. copyWithin

It is used to copy and paste elements within the array. We need to specify 3 things in this method.

1) target - The end from where we need to start copy pasting elements.

2) start - The index of the starting element which need to be copied.

3) end - The index of the ending element till which the elements needs to be copied.

Syntax : arr.copyWithin(target, start, end);

It will modify the original array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print ["Emily", "John", "Emily", "Monica"]

5. fill

It is used to change all or certain elements in an array with static value. We need to specify 3 things in this method.

1) element - The element which needs to be added.

2) start - The index of the starting element from where it should start adding the static value.

3) end - The index+1 of the ending element till which it should keep adding the static value.

Syntax : arr.fill(element, start, end);

It will modify the original array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(names.fill("Ken", 1, 3));
// will print ["Joe", "Ken", "Ken", "Monica"]

6. filter

It is used to filter out elements of an array on the basis of the function provided as a parameter.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(names.filter(word => word.length>=4));
// will print ["John", "Emily", "Monica"]

7. find

It is used to find a element based on the condition provided as parameter to the method. It will return the first element it finds satisfying the condition. If it does not find any element satisfying the given condition, it will return undefined.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(names.find(word => word.length>=4));
// will print John

8. findIndex

It is used to find a element's index based on the condition provided as parameter to the method. It will return the first element's index it finds satisfying the condition. If it does not find any element satisfying the given condition, it will return -1.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(names.findIndex(word => word.length>=4));
// will print 1

9. findLast

It is used to find a element's index based on the condition provided as parameter to the method. It will return the last element it finds satisfying the condition. If it does not find any element satisfying the given condition, it will return undefined.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(names.findLast(word => word.length>=4));
// will print Monica

10. findLastIndex

It is used to find a element's index based on the condition provided as parameter to the method. It will return the last element's index it finds satisfying the condition. If it does not find any element satisfying the given condition, it will return -1.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log(names.findLastIndex(word => word.length>=4));
// will print 3

11. flat

It is used to flatten the array by specified depth. It will return a new array with all sub arrays concatenated into it.


const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, [6,7]];
// will print [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

12. forEach

It executes the provided function on each and every element in the array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
names.forEach(element => console.log("Hey"+element));
// will print :

13. includes

It will return true if the value provided exists in the array else it will return false.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : true

14. indexOf

It returns the index of the value provided if it exists in the array else it returns -1.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : 1

15. join

It returns a string which is concatenation of all the elements of array separated by a comma or any specific separator provided.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : Joe,John,Emily,Monica

16. map

It returns a new array filled with the modified elements of the array. The elements are modified according to the function provided.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
console.log( => "Hello "+element));
// will print : ["Hello Joe", "Hello John", "Hello Emily", "Hello Monica"]

17. push

It adds one or more elements to the end of the array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica", "Ron"]

18. pop

It removes one element from the end of the array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : ["Joe", "John", "Emily"]

19. reverse

It removes one element from the end of the array. It will modify the original array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : ["Monica", "Emily", "John", "Joe"]

20. shift

It removes the first element of array. It will modify the original array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : ["John", "Emily", "Monica"]

21. slice

It returns a new array containing a part of the original array. It cuts the array from the starting index we specify till the end index (end index not included) we specify.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : ["John", "Emily"]

22. sort

It sorts the elements inside the array. It converts the elements in strings and sorts them according to UTF-16 code units values.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : ["Emily", "Joe", "John", "Monica"]

23. toString

It converts the array into a single string.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
// will print : Joe,John,Emily,Monica

24. unshift

It adds one or more elements to the start of the array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
names.unshift("Ron", "Harry");
// will print : 
["Ron", "Harry", "Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"]

25. splice

It is used to add elements at certain index by removing the existing element of shifting it ahead. It takes 3 parameters.

1) target - index of where you want to add the element.

2) Number of elements to remove

3) Element to be added

It will modify the original array.


const names = ["Joe", "John", "Emily", "Monica"];
names.splice(1, 0, "Ron");
// will print : 
["Joe", "Ron", "John", "Emily", "Monica"]

These were some array methods in JavaScript. Surely there are some more to explore. You can explore more of them here (references for this article) :

Thank you for reading this article, I hope you have learnt something new and valuable. See you in the next article!